As a business professional, it’s your responsibility to protect your company’s digital assets from cybercrime, but the path forward is not always so easy or clear-cut. Without a thorough knowledge and expertise of IT security at your disposal, it can be challenging to protect your infrastructure as adequately as it needs to be. Here are some of the common issues that involve cybersecurity, as well as how you can address them.
CoreTech Blog
It goes without saying that having to rely on a pacemaker isn’t an ideal circumstance for anyone, even considering that the device allows the patient to continue living a fulfilling life. This is why a particular discovery of a European-based research team becomes a shade or two darker: the team has concluded that it’s possible for a novice to send life-threatening signals to the device.
Getting hacked is a scary occurrence. It’s a major reason why you have security measures put into place. You try to avoid it as much as you can, but getting outsmarted by hackers happens to the best of us. The good news is that as long as you approach your hacking incident in a reasonable way, you can limit the amount of damage that’s done to your infrastructure.